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We have a particular expertise in working with assocaitions to help them with their structure, their operations, and their long-term planning.  We work with them to ensure that their business model is congruent with the needs of government. We provide individual analysis and direction to give our clients the best opportunities for success in our state.

The Tatman Group specializes in helping organizations meet their full potential.  We help our clients build a bridge between their business and local, state, and federal governments, as well as understand the landscape and the environment in Louisiana.



To do this, we collect data to better understand the current operations of the organization.  We evaluate the data and make recommendations based on state and national trends.  We utilize resources through the American Society of Association Executives and the Louisiana Society of Association Executives to establish best practices for our clients.


Board Devel

The Tatman Group will work with your board to help you focus on what is most important for your organization.  We help boards evaluate and analyze their operations and make recommendations on structure and operations.  We also work with individual board members and leaders to help them better understand current industry trends.  We will help with all aspects of board operations, from bylaws to job descriptions to organizational structure.  We work with boards across the country, and we will tailor a program specific to your organization to ensure that the fundamentals for success are in place.



The Tatman Group can provide a number of training opportunities for association boards and staff, each one tailored to meet your organization's specific needs.  Our expertise in all aspects of association management provides a vast array of opportunities for training and consultation.  We work with boards to secure training in Parliamentary Procedure, board duties and responsibilities, insurance, and legal changes, and much more.



Once you have your vision and mission statements in place, you have a picture of where you want to go.  The next step is to understand where you are now.  This is the process of taking stock and involves thoroughly examining both the internal status of your organization and the external context in which it is situated.  The Tatman Group works with you, using all of the most well-tested and proven methods.


The Tatman Group works with the organization to conduct an Organizational Analysis to collect data to answer questions about the present and future of the organization.  This process will help develop a common perception and identifies strengths, weaknesses, trends, and conditions. The Organizational Analysis draws on internal and external information and is a key ongoing process for internal and external honesty and openness to changing conditions.  We utilize all of the most effective tools for Organizational Analysis, such as surveys, questionnaires, focus groups, and open forums.  In addition to the standard tools mentioned here, The Tatman Group also works with the organization to identify a number of key individuals from a representative sample to conduct personal interviews.  These interviews provide an outstanding forum for confidential and open communication about the organization's strengths and weaknesses.




Strategic planning determines where an organization is going over the next year or more, how it's going to get there, and how to know if it is achievable.  The focus of a strategic plan is usually on the entire organization, while the focus of a business plan is usually on a particular product, service, or program.  The Tatman Group provides strategic planning services to a variety of clients throughout the country to help organizations reach their full potential.


There are a variety of perspectives, models, and approaches used in strategic planning.  The way that a strategic plan is developed depends on the nature of the organization's leadership, the culture of the organization, the complexity of the organization's environment, the size of the organization, the expertise of the planners, etc.  There are a variety of strategic planning models, including goals-based, issues-based, organic, scenario (which could be considered more of a technique than a model), etc.  


Goals-based planning is probably the most common and starts with a focus on the organization's mission (and vision and/or values), goals to work toward the mission, strategies to achieve the goals, and action planning (who will do what and by when).


Issues-based strategic planning often starts by examining issues facing the organization, strategies to address those issues, and action plans.


Organic strategic planning might start by articulating the organization's vision and values, and then action plans to achieve the vision while adhering to those values.  


The Tatman Group approach is to tailor the approach to planning to the needs of each organization.  The development of a strategic plan greatly helps to clarify the organization's plans and ensure that key leaders are all "on the same page."  Far more important than the strategic plan document is the strategic planning process itself.  The Tatman Group focuses on the needs of the organization with a vision for the future.




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